Think Beyond the Pump: 2024 Annual Meeting

Will Hawai’i become the first state in the U.S. (after Sweden) to require health & climate stickers on gas pumps in 2024?

We came pretty darn close to our goals last year! Will we receive a generous grant to support an international effort to regulate consumer markets for gasoline and diesel fuels for their climate change and public health effects? (Future Mobility–Sweden) And will TBtP, in partnership with the Hawaii Institute of Public Health and the USC-Schwarzenegger Climate Institute, create the country’s first PSA connecting the public to the climate and health risks from burning gasoline?

Please join our annual meeting via Zoom with board members and guests to hear about our exciting projects on the docket for 2024! 


Think Beyond the Pump - 2024 General Meeting
Time: Jan 18, 2024, 08:00 AM Hawaii (10:00 AM Pacific)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 960 2715 1926


Hawai’i Senator Mike Gabbard reintroduces SB 506 for 2024. The Bill will require all retail gas service stations to display a health-climate warning label.


Statement by campaign manager Per Östborn of the Green Mobilists Sweden about Chairperson James Brooks